Poor People's Campaign

What actions can you take to demand some of the 14 Policy Priorities!
See below each picture!

For Moral Monday, March 15, the Maryland #PoorPeoplesCampaign delivered our demands on the PPC’s 14 Policy Priorities to the legislature and the gate of the Government House in Annapolis.

See our Facebook page for video!

Policy Priority #1:
COVID Relief
We demand just COVID relief for all MD residents. Essential workers are fighting for hazard pay, quarantine leave, PPE, and more workplace protections. Support them by emailing your legislators here!

Policy Priority #2:
Healthcare for All
Did you know in MD you can be sued for medical debt as low as $1000? We demand healthcare for all: click here to tell legislators to protect against medical debt, including those who are most vulnerable!

Policy Priority #3:
Living Wage
We demand a living wage for all workers! One way to change workers’ lives is to pass the Secure MD Wage Act, which would raise wages for transportation workers across the state.
Email legislators here!

Policy Priority #5:
Housing for All
The #COVID19 crisis has left many MD families facing eviction. We demand housing rights for all, including stopping evictions during the pandemic. Take action here!

Policy Priority #8:
Public Education
We demand safe and equitable public education for all. In MD, students are demanding to re-imagine school safety by replacing officers with student supporters.
Take action now!

Policy Priority #9:
Immigration Reform
{action coming soon}