October 2, 2020
WHAT: Moral Monday Caravans and March on McConnell: The McConnell-led US Senate has refused to take up a full and comprehensive relief package during the greatest public health crisis in a century, yet is now rushing to push through a Supreme Court nominee to fill the seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Following a powerful Moral Monday program of caravans to Sen. Mitch McConnell’s home in DC and offices in Kentucky, Poor People’s Campaign activists across the country will take the fight back to Kentucky and nine other states: California, Maine, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and West Virginia. The Poor People’s Campaign will not cease in our protests against McConnell’s misery, meanness and mayhem and his eagerness to hypocritically stack the Supreme Court vacancy from Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death while refusing to move bills that address the pandemics of poverty, systemic racism and COVID-19.
WHO: The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival led by co-chairs Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, along with state leaders and activists in 10 states.
WHEN: 3:30pm Eastern/12:30pm Pacific Monday, Oct. 5
WHERE: Email (name of state)@poorpeoplescampaign.org if you want to join a caravan. You can also join online at www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/livestream. Additional information on the gathering locations for in-person caravans will be sent Sunday.
WHY: We must stop the Senate’s Sins: Stealing the Supreme Court, Stopping Police Reform, Suppressing the Vote, Sabotaging the USPS, Stopping COVID Relief Bills, Stealing Healthcare, Stifling Living Wages, and Separating Families. And we must not just get angry, but we must vote. We cannot stand by and watch a hostile, immoral takeover of the Supreme Court with a new justice, who will join rulings on health care, voting rights and corporate power while the Senate has done nothing to meet the immediate needs of the over 140 million poor and low-income Americans.
**The digital event will be captioned and ASL interpreted.
BACKGROUND: The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, is nonpartisan but deeply political. With organizing committees in 43 states, the campaign is building a moral fusion movement to address the five interlocking injustices of systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and militarism and a distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. Our demands are reflected in our Jubilee Platform.
For additional information: poorpeoplescampaign.org https://youtu.be/PmOjcUoDhEs
Twitter: @UniteThePoor / Instagram: @poorpeoplescampaign / Facebook: @ANewPPC
Martha Waggoner: [email protected]