Update on Legislature:
Can the Governor still veto the bills we supported? NO, the bills that we supported were all passed within the time period of the Veto Override (by April 5). In Maryland, the Governor has 6 days to act on a bill has passed. EXCEPT, the Governor has 30 days to veto bills passed in the final days of the Legislative session. Here are the bills we supported and the outcomes:
- SB 783/HB 596 Constitutional Amendment – Environmental Rights. DID NOT PASS
- SB135/HB171 Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act (CCEJ). DID NOT PASS
- Supported: SB 58 Climate Solutions Act (Senator Pinsky). PASSED
- SB0129 and HB0114 Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Program. DID NOT PASS
- HB 0269 and SB 0053. Child Interrogation Protection Act (Juvenile Law). PASSED
- HB 0008/SB275 Time to Care Act of 2022: Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program. PASSED
Follow-up to Bills passed in 2021:
- SB662 Right to Counsel in Renter’s Court Special Fund Funding. PASSED
- HB0694 End to Medical Debt—Hospitals-Financial Assistance—Medical Bill Reimbursement. PASSED
Sun May 8 to Sat May 14
Tell Montgomery County leaders to invest in a Just Recovery in the next budget.
Sponsored by Jews United for Justice Montgomery County, Montgomery County Racial Equity (MORE) and others. It is budget time in Montgomery County and this coalition wants to deliver a strong community-care petition to the County decision-makers. Activists in other counties should be sending the same message to their elected officials.
Sign petition for a Just Recovery budged in Montgomery County: jufj.org/moco-budget/
Sat May 26 at 5:00 PM rally, action start 6:00 PM
Baltimore Rally at the City Council: Taxpayers Night
Sponsored by Organizing Black and Jews United for Justice. This event advocates for a people-centered budget with less money going towards the police and more towards our communities.
Location: Baltimore City Hall, 100 Holliday St, Baltimore MD 21202.
Register at: jufj.org/event/bmore-council-tax-22/