Poor People's Campaign

In March, we remembered our late comrade Dr. Alonzo Smith, a year since he joined the greats on the other side.

First, we opened our Mar. 15 statewide meeting in his honor, giving room to his son, Alex, to reflect.

Then on Mar. 25, Maryland PPC Montgomery County opened its regional meeting with paid respects and shared memories of its resident activist, Alonzo, with his family in attendance.

#WWAD What would Alonzo do?

In loving memory of our brother in the causes for social justice… and the call for moral revival

Alonzo Smith of Rockville, MD

May you always see beauty and feel love.

Alonzo Smith, 2002

Alonzo Smith was affectionately referred to as the “Founding Father” of the Montgomery County regional organizing sub-committee of the Maryland Poor People’s Campaign and served on the State Coordinating Committee.

To learn about our humble yet passionate mentor; to remember this great and selfless gentleman, please read the Facebook post written by his son, Alex.

Alonzo’s family would like you to make a donation to Maryland PPC in lieu of flowers. Click here to make the donation. Thank you.